I started tending bar at Signature on nights off from High Fidelity...

I was getting ready to open High Fidelity

And then came the blizzard...

But High Fidelity opened, nevertheless...

Every show, I would dodge "Icicles of Death" in Adams Morgan to get to my stage door...

The "hawk".

...and Buddha and his cousin Nicky had some bonding time...

High Fidelity at the DCAC...

Photo by Amanda Williams

Photo by Amanda Williams

Photo by Amanda Williams
And Buddha, ready for St. Patrick's Day...


James Thurber's "Many Moons" at Creative Cauldron...
The Helen Hayes Awards...

And a visit to Winchester with Matt brings one of my favorite photos that I have ever taken...

The workshop of Parade at Ford's Theatre...

The raucous Gillian Shelly Luau Party...

A trip to the Zoo with Matt brings me another favorite photo...

We met the legendary Tommy Wiseau from the legendarily horrible film, "The Room"...

I also had the pleasure of choreographing "How I Became a Pirate" at Imagination Stage...

July was one of my busiest months ever...the major project of the month was a DC Fringe Festival Production of Super Claudio Bros...

We had the Open House at Signature, where there was a Hedwig Reunion Concert...

...and Karissa Swanigan and I opened our cabaret act, "Least Complicated" at Signature Theatre's Ark Theatre.

..oh, plus I was teaching camp for the entire Summer....so there was that...

...saw us deep into writing NightoftheLivingDead the musical, and the photos that I took of Karissa Swanigan as Barbara are still some of my favorites ever...

...saw the reading of NightoftheLivingDead the musical...


(Photo by Chris Mueller)...was the month of Norma Desmond, as we opened our still ongoing production of Sunset Boulevard at Signature Theare... Florence Lacey is amazing.

Happy New Year to all!