Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mea Culpa

Oh dear readers (if any are still out there), forgive me, for I have sinned.  My last blog entry was 3 months ago. Well, much has happened. Cole Porter opened and closed to wonderful reviews, and a Helen Hayes Reccomendation. I was beyond proud.  I loved the show so much, and the performances that Carolyn Cole and Sean Thompson gave were magnificent. Whorehouse went chugging along well, until I fractured two toes near the end of September.  It happened in the middle of the Aggie dance on a matinee.  I finished out both shows (it was a Sunday), then on Monday I went to Urgent Care and got the x-rays proving the two fractures were indeed there. I was out of the show for around a week.
I almost went crazy laying flat on my back for the off time. I should have blogged then, but I was too busy in LivingDead world. The show was in the middle of rehearsals, and I was revising the book, and obsessing over it. And watching Walking Dead, The New Normal, and American Horror Story; Asylum. I finished out the last week of the show, then opened LivingDead, and obsessed over it for the entire run. The run was helpful for me to watch and learn from.  I had an amazing cast, and was very proud of the work we did. The show was well reviewed, and I am still revising it for it's next appearance in St. Louis this coming Fall. The good news is that I am not applying major surgery to the piece, as after the first reading, but merely nips and tucks.

After LivingDead was done, I have gone back to my 3 day/night jobs (teaching/walking dogs/bartending). I choreographed a dance sequence for Creative Cauldron's production of "Christmas Cabin of Carnaween", which was reviewed well - "Driven gently ahead by excellent storytelling, folksy singing, and surprisingly good Irish-style dancing in a tiny space, this little production does the job explaining the reason for the season."
I was also featured in a tv spot on the after school classes that I teach.
After (thank GOD) President Obama was re-elected, and in our planning of our June wedding, I was interviewed by the Baltimore Sun about considering Maryland as a wedding location. We are still undecidied, and will probably wait until after the holidays to finalize plans.
The next theatrical project that I have in the pipeline is directing "Thunder Knocking on the Door" at Creative Cauldron this coming Spring. I saw this show at Arena Stage about 10 times in 1998, and am so excited to bring it back to the Washington area.
I am back in the blogging world, I promise. I will be doing year end wrap ups for the next few weeks leading up to 2013. Thank you to anyone who still reads this and gives a shit.
Talk soon, xoxoxoSGS

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