So it is finally over. Thank God. I was a nervous wreck. In fact, I've never been more nervous in my life. It felt like the longest audition ever.
I was pleased to have a packed house, which I didn't expect, and pleased to see it packed with so many friends.
As I walked up to the theatre, I saw this lovely advertisement outside on the street...
Which was great...what was even greater was pulling back and seeing what was just outside my frame...Helen Hedman looking all sexy on a bench, ready to see my show!
I had SO many good friends there to support me: I spotted Amy McWilliams, Eleasha Gamble, Stevie Cupo, Donna Migliaccio, J. Fred Shiffman, Ilona Dulaski, Carolyn Griffin, Eric Schaeffer, Andy Torres, Matt Conner (of course), Helen Hedman, The Maylees, Kara Tameika Watkins, Ryan Halbrook, and MANY others. We were packed. I was honored and humbled.
Before the show, a woman came up to me outside of the box office and gave me a little cow, because she loved Into the Woods and wanted me to have it. It was my talisman of good luck. It was so touching to me. It made my night.
I guess the show went good, but honestly it is all a blur.
I just want to thank all of you who came and supported me. This was the hardest thing that I have ever done, and I am so glad that I had such a great and responsive crowd, and am so glad that everyone seemed to have a fantastic time.
Thank you to Jenny Cartney, who was a powerhouse of piano and vocal back up, thank you to the Signature Theatre staff, who bent over backwards to let me do what I needed to do, and thank you to all of you who came. I am truly blessed to have so many friends.
Thanks most of all to my partner, Matt Conner, who steered me in the right direction last night. I could never do anything in life without you, baby. I am so thankful for all of your direction (Matt basically directed my show) and I love and thank you so much for making me realize that all I need to be is me.
I love you, Matt.
Thanks everyone.
We'll talk soon,
Now I need to go and pass out, I am so tired that I can barely think.
This is kinda silly, but I saw your cabaret last night. I'm the same person - the twenty-year old redhead - who got your autograph and picture after Into The Woods.
I hope this doesn't weird you out, but I truly think you are extraordinary and adorable. Your acting is so incredibly versatile and I just love your presence!
Thank for what you said - "that mess that is yourself is enough" and thank you for baring so much of yourself onstage (figuratively and literally)! I plan to *ideally* go into theatre publicity, and not like I needed a reminder, but your vulnerability and encouragement made me realize why even more.
Keep it up.
Stephen, I really enjoyed your show last night. Your accompanist was awesome too.
Stephen, I was so ready to go to your cabaret--ticket in hand and everything--and then something serious came up. :( Are you putting out an album or something? What songs did you perform?!
I'm your worst friend. Evan and I both stayed late at work Tuesday night, and thought we could make it but didn't...Sorry, baby. Forgive me?
"a fan"- Thanks so much for your words of encouragement as well! I'm glad you were able to take some sort of positive message from something that I did. (God, I never thought I'd say that)
"Googla"- Thanks so much, yeah-Jenny is the tops!
"the leading player"-Sorry you couldn't make it! An album would be great, but unfortunately takes tons of money to produce, so...nothing planned yet. I will post a song list soon...and pictures soon...
Tracy-please honey, You are not my worst friend...I have several who are worse than you :) Don't worry about it!
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