Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I have had 2 disgusting experiences with parasitic organisms in the past week.
That is quite an opening statement, I know, but truth do I speak.
About a week ago, Matt called me over to the couch, where Buddha was contently laying on his back, and said..."Is this a scab?"...
I saw the mark on Buddha's armpit that he was referring to...
I remarked.."Scabs don't usually have legs..."
I pulled the tick with tweezers, and flushed it down the toilet.
It was still wriggling.
Tonight I am on the phone with Lynn Filusch...I randomly look at my left finger...a black spot....
I go inside...the black spot has legs....
I freak.
I dig it out. I do this on the phone with Lynn...I'm sure this was better listening than whatever Howard Stern had on today...
I later am on the phone with Eleasha...I feel something in my hair after a brush with the pine tree...I pull it out, and see a tick...I throw it on the ground and kill it.
What the fuck gives?

Tick outbreak in Arlington?
Knowing several people who have had Lyme's Disease, this is a serious thing to pay attention to...
Get someone to look at every inch of your body naked before you go to sleep each night..
Not only is it fun, but healthy at the same time.


Anonymous said...

I said it on the phone and I'll say it again: GROSSSSSSSSSSS!!!


I've found a site that says that ticks are out of control in the DC Metro area this summer...
strip naked and check your crevices...