Sunday, July 23, 2006


With one week left in the "Summer of Bad Hair"...(I mean Assassins), I am already hearing the siren call of the electric razor. What do I mean by "Summer of Bad Hair"? Well, since I have had to grow my hair out to a Lee Harvey-like length, and dye it brownish (neither of which look too appealing on me off the stage), I long ago in May declared Summer 06' the Summer of Bad Hair.
That will all change on closing night, where upon Rabbit70 will buzz my hair to a pulp. I guess Damn Yankees spoiled me. I loved having my hair that short and seriously doubt if I will ever like to wear my hair long again.
Not that any of this is really any sort of breaking news, mind you. is to me, not to you. I cannot wait to shed these dyed locks and return to my blonde summer buzz. I actually took my clippers into the theatre and they are sitting on my station. I had to take them to the theatre for fear that I would have a night raid and shave my head in a fit of hair envy.
One week.
Oh, and PS, no this doesn't mean that I hate my hair in the show, or the show itself...I will actually be very sad to close this show, as it has been an amazing experience, and I love the role. The only good thing to come from closing, will be my hair preference.

One week.

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