Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Gala Opening...Part 2, or " Prom Pictures"

When folks get really dressed up a funny thing happens. They pose together for pictures like it is the Prom all over again. I guess we never really lose that instinct.
Here are some of my "Prom Pictures"...

First up, Eleasha and I, yes-even complete with the second photo to show the whole dress...What's up with my hair? Ugh...In between growing it out from it being so short for the past year. I wish it would get longer already!

Next up we have me and Lauren "Little Red" Williams. Notice that I have lost the tie already. (I can't wear ties for long) I would estimate 2 alcoholic beverages at the time of this picture. Hmmm...maybe 3?

Next up, me and the hubby. Of course, because I get psycho about having good pictures of us together, I insist we take 2, because I wasn't really happy with the face he was making in the first one, then I wasn't happy with the face I was making in the second one. Oh well. Not too bad, I guess.

Here we have the Lovely April Harr Blandin and Harry A. Winter. Sweet picture.

Matt and Eleasha. Estimated alcoholic beverages: Questionable. Matt is like this with or without liquor.

Lovely picture of Priscilla Cuellar and Erin Driscoll. Aren't they lovely?

Lastly, Erin Driscoll and myself. I don't know about her, but I'm not even gonna estimate my own level of beverage intake shown here. Let's just say that we were having fun. So if Helen Hayes is "Drama Prom", as it is called around town, then maybe the Opening of Signature was our own "Winter Ball"...or..."Harry Winter Ball"...? No, that's not it either...whatever it was, it was damn fun. As you can see from this photo below.

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