Friday, November 02, 2007

Thoughts on a Friday night...

On the way home from our show tonight, I was driving down Braddock Road, and suddenly saw something on the road. I hit the brakes till they screamed and as my headlights honed in on the object in question, I saw that it was a possum.
It had already been hit. It was writhing in pain, not dead yet. I saw it's teeth gnarling in pain. The image has not left me all night. I know that some might say that possums are not very nice critters, but I don't care about that. You are talking to someone who when he finds a moth indoors, captures it and releases it. I have too much of a reverance for life to extinguish it.
I still see that poor creature on the road trying to push itself up from the road, and in agony. I did not run over it again, which might have put it out of more pain. I couldn't have.
I still keep seeing it.
The pain. The suffering. The confusion.
I can't shake it. It is 1am, and I can't find anything else to fill my head.
The worst part is that I will have to travel up and down Braddock 4 times tomorrow, as I have 2 shows tomorrow. I wonder if it's corpse (by then) will still be there.
I need to shake this, but have not been able to.
I have rehearsal for Funny Girl in Concert, which is Monday night at Signature, in which I will be playing Eddie Ryan, the choreographer, and Fanny's best friend.

Visit for details. One night only. Monday night.
I have rehearsal at 10AM till 1PM, then 2 shows. I need to be in bed. I can't sleep.

I see a small creature in pain.
I flip through the channels, and what is on? Rent.
Though I am not a fan of the movie, it has its points.

One of the high points is this...

Very honest song, very good actors, very simple filming.
Well done, Jon.

I still see the possum.

I know what I will dream of tonight.


Sweet dreams, all...

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