Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Texas has a Whore House in it...

We had the reading of Whorehouse tonight in front of an audience of friends, and the composer, Carol Hall. It went fantastic!
From the hysterical portrayal of Doatsy Mae by Channez McQuay to Sherri Edelen's heartfelt Ms. Mona, to Tom Simpson's understated old boy Sheriff, to Ed Dixon's giggle inducing Governor of Texas, to Amy McWilliams' touching portrayal of Ginger, the show was a hit!
Carol Hall loved it! It was so fun and touching, and to be in the company of so many talented local DC actors doing their thing was truly a treat.

I only hope that this show will go to full production soon. From the small audience (about 50)'s reaction, it would be a sell out hit.
It was nice to have something to concentrate on, what with everything in my life being what it is right now. The music of this show is infectious, and will remain in my head for quite some time. I hope that I will have the chance to do it for real in the future.
Talk soon,

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