This photo ran in the Washington Post today, in an article discussing the upcoming last show in the garage at Signature. I am in the back on the left, behind Eleasha. Matt is on the far right. I think this one will be another sell out. The audience is enjoying the show immensely every night. Buy Tickets as soon as you can! Luv, SGS
Kathy Fuller rocks. Just wanted to say it outloud. Luv, SGS
Last night, I had the weirdest dream that I have ever had...So weird that I woke up, peed, and wrote it down on 3 pages of blank paper... The cast of characters: Susan Lynskey Callie Kimball Donna Migliaccio Eric Schaeffer and me. THE SETTING: A cross between the McDowell Colony (where Callie is currently writing plays) and the new Signature Theatre. How does it start? I have to pee like mad through the dream....I go down to the "basement" of the new Signature, (although the new Signature has no basement), and it is flooded with about an inch of water...swimming in this water are camel crickets and roaches...Eric says to me..."Yeah, I heard it was raining last night, but I thought, well, whatever..."...I comment on all of the bugs down in the basement floating around, and he says, "Well, they have to go somewhere..."...There seem to be no bathroom facilities, so I look to pee in a puddle alongside a locker-like structure...Susan Lynskey pokes her head around a corner and keeps saying, "Lemme see it!"...she keeps wanting to see my penis...I go upstairs, and I am on a mountain range (Seemingly a McDowell colony-esque landscape), and there is my tent from my backyard, with my table set with china. The clouds are low hanging and seemingly made of blue and purple paint... Donna Mig is up to my left grilling out, and Eric is going around picking up trash with a trash bag. All of the sudden I have to pee again, and Susan is asking me if she can "see it". I decline again, and see funnels of purple and blue color dripping from these fake looking clouds...these funnels are tornadoes... All of a sudden, a huge tornado makes a distant swipe at the weird sounds like a million horses neighing... Eric yells, "Tor-Nad-eee!", and giggles as he goes inside... The canopy tilts sideways, and all of the china breaks...I hold onto a leg of the tent... I turn to Donna and say, "Do you see this tornado?"... but cannot move towards her. or safety...The wind is sucking me back. She yells at me to come inside, but I cannot move...Suddenly the canopy flies out into the sky about 500 feet, then reverses directions, and comes right for me. Callie is writing poetry, but not flinching on the side of the hill, and yells, "Lie down!", so does Donna.. I do, as the tent crashes behind me...I stand up and pee...Susan Lynskey pops up and asks if she can see it. Eric comes out and says..."Glad you are alive, but your tent destroyed the new theatre!" Then I woke up, and GOD, did I have to pee... Then, I wrote these 3 pages of dream down... any dream interpreters out there? What does this mean?
My Fair Lady was featured in a little piece in Jane Horowitz's Backstage column in the Washington Post today. Above are the photos. Click THIS LINK for the story.
So, due to tech and what not, I did not get to see my previous "Must See of the Weekend" until today. That's ok, though, because millions of others did, making it the number one movie in America this past weekend! So funny considering that the whole film is nothing more than straight men running around, inflicting pain on each other, laughing about it, vomiting, running around naked or near, and being about as sexually questionable with each other as it gets. Yet they are straight men. Hmmm...and why do I love these films? Hmmm...
Johnny Knoxville Who one might call the head "Jackass". Already an iconic figure in his aviator sun glasses and dangly cigarette.
Bam Margera Who looks much more like a man in this second film, and less like a long haired boy. His terrorism of his poor parents continues in the sequel, and though not as funny as when his mother found an alligator in her kitchen, still made me laugh...
Ryan Dunn Who sports a shaggier look this film, and who seems to step up into action more in this film.
and Chris Pontius... AKA Partyboy. Who is not only funny and cute, but also apparently heads a rock band, who recorded a song for the "Number Two" soundtrack called "Karazye". Below is the video... WARNING-VIDEO BELOW REFLECTS MOMENTS OF BAD TASTE, VIOLENCE, AND BLURRED NUDITY...VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED... (Which means that most of the people who read this blog will push play below, no doubt)
Uncle Fred, Matt, and I went to a matinee this afternoon, and all had a great time. While disgusting at times, and pugilistic most others, it still appealed in the way that cartoons do. In fact, Knoxville and his crew are rather like living cartoons...except dirtier. And wow. Anytime I tell people that "Jackass" is one of the gayest things I have ever seen, and they look at me strange...they won't after this movie. Especially... SPOILER ALERT-SPOILER ALERT-SPOILER ALERT When the whole cast fronts a huge production number with chorus girls and boys, dancing and singing a very well known Jerry Herman song..."The Best of Times is Now". And then the set falls on Knoxville, and Rip Taylor comes out and throws confetti. Oh, and John Waters makes a cameo in the film. He makes "Wee Man" disappear. If you have any kind of a blue sense of humor, don't mind watching guys get the shit knocked out of them, and don't gross out easily, go and see this film. Wow, with that many stipulations, you would wonder "who would go to see it?" But obviously, people did. Making Knoxville's gang of Jackasses appear to have the last laugh of all.
Not really, but damn close. So we had our "invite dress" to MFL tonight, and afterwards, we were all going to go to Cap City. They were unexpectedly closed due to computer failures?! So, plan B was Guapo's...DRAT!!! Same issue there... So...we were forced to pay a visit to Bungalow Billiards. I hate this place. It is WAY too loud. You have to yell out any conversation that you have, and the clientele is kind of trashy. I was there once where a man was SO drunk that he threw up several feet from our table (right after our food had just arrived), and then laughed, wiped off with a few napkins, and was served another beer. Waiters or staff seemed to be unaware of the episode, as they walked right through it, noticing nothing...some with trays of food in their hands...I couldn't make this shit up. Needless to say, I lost my appetite. Tonight, it was weird, because some of the Cap City staff were actually THERE as well...some kind of strange, beer induced deja vu. Their food and beer are TOO pricey, and the service is always shit. The "youth" is always out in abundance there. When I say youth, I mean mop headed, shaggy boys with baggy pants and loud mouths, and loose women who all seem to have peroxide hair, push up bras and bad teeth. Looks like Baltimore in there. Ugh. Gives me the heebie-jeebies. I always feel dirty when I leave there. Each time we happen to have to go there for one reason or another, I pray it is the last time. Hope my prayer holds true this time. SGS, over and outty.
...strange how that happened. I wasn't expecting it. I'll tell you how this came to be.
I treated myself to a lazy Sunday morning, watching 2 romantic comedies. (No, I am am not ill, and I have not been replaced with a Body Snatcher). I rented Prime from my Netflix, and popped it in this morning. (Nothing better than a Sunday morning watching a movie in bed). Hmmm. I liked it, but...I didn't...The story was sweet and cute, but very contrived and forced at times. Bryan Greenberg is cute as the very smitten 23 year old, David, who falls for Rafi (Uma Thurman), a damaged girl on the mend. Meryl's character is Uma's therapist, and by twist of fate, and unbeknownst to Thurman, David's mother. There are differences between Rafi and Rafi is 37, David is 23. David is Jewish, Rafi is not. SPOILER ALERT- and in the end, they don't get together, which is fine and all, but all around it just kind of bummed me out. Streep was great as always. Don't really know what I felt about this film.
Then, Jerry Maguire was on TV.... *sigh* Oh the days before the thought of Tom Cruise brought flying saucers, couch jumping, and hidden babygates... Tom was really great in this film. I forgot how good the film really is. Then, it happened. Tom Cruise actually made me cry this morning. I think I am a little embarrassed to say it, but it is true. I am not an avid Cruise fan at all. I have never really thought he is really that cute, either. And I most emphatically dislike his personal antics. I find that they make it very hard to watch him in a movie without thinking about "Tom Cruise" the actor. Thus, it has been very hard for me to like him or be moved by him much. Maybe I just forgot all about this film, because when I rewatched it this morning for the first time in I'd say 5 years, it felt so fresh. Refreshing, actually. Renee Zellweger is almost always fantastic, and also made me tear up a little. Great to revisit this film... Now the laziness is over. I am due at the theatre in an hour for rehearsal, then Final Dress rehearsal for one of the greatest romantic comedies of all time, My Fair Lady. Talk later, SGS
I want all of my readers to wish a happy birthday to Brad Oscar, currently playing the Emcee in Cabaret at Arena Stage, and a past interview victim on this very site!
Some breaking news here... Buddha's birth sister, Wednesday, will be joining our family on October 2nd! The breeder of Buddha moved from a farm to a townhouse, and has too many pugs...she kept Wednesday to breed, although she hasn't yet...and now finds that she has too many pugs (5) in a townhouse. We will be hailing the arrival of Wednesday on the second of October, right after MFL opens....wish us luck...more to follow!
I had a very interesting day. Today was the last day spent in the rehearsal room at Signature. No more rehearsals to be held in the cramped quarters that it holds. When rehearsal was over, they brought out beer, and we all signed the wall of the room. I reminisced about all of the time I have spent in that room in the past 6ish years. I remember my first audition for Gypsy, where I auditioned for Tulsa in Gypsy, and lifted Baayork Lee all around the room during an improv dance audition. I set her down after carrying her all around the rehearsal hall, and she said, "Well, he has the strength!!". I didn't get the part. I understudied it and played Yonkers. My first show there. Also, during the audition for that show, my pants split right in the crotch area. I had red, white, and blue undies on. I tied a hoodie around my waist to hide my technicolor crotch. She said, "Stephen, please take off that hoodie from your waist so I can see the line of your body". I told her in front of a room full of people that I had ripped my pants. She said, "I know, I saw, but do it anyway." Thank god I got in the show. Humiliation without payoff is just unfortunate. I remember working on Grand Hotel, Hedwig, 110 in the Shade... Eric telling me when to "drink the red bull" as Jimmy...(when to turn my frantic energy up to 120%... To Donna and I having hysterics during Allegro rehearsal, and Donna pulling her "schmata" over her head to conceal laughter. Boot Camp sessions during One Red Flower. God, what terror when the lights were shut off and he wanted us to be totally quiet... In Pacific Overtures, during "4 Black Dragons", we all focused on a point in the audience that was represented in the rehearsal room by an Anise Bear pinned to the wall with a magic marker's circle around it. All of the genius minds who have been in this room over the past 13 years. Not sad to say goodbye to the confines and restrictions of this room, but just an interesting feeling to let go of a part of the old Signature... Here's to the new. Luv, SGS
My friend, Ilkim Boyle runs a Vet Taxi service, and frequently is a contact and foster for finding dogs new homes. She sent me an e-mail about a puppy named Roxy. She is an adorable puppy who is looking for a good home. Here is the LINK to her adoption info. If you or someone you know are stable enough to give her a forever home, please contact them. She looks awfully cute, doesn't she?
Matty and I went to see Frankenstein at the Kennedy Center tonight. Synetic Theatre never dissapoints me. I loved the show, and highly reccomend it. It is only at the Kennedy Center for 3 weeks, so get your tickets NOW!
A couple of days till we start tech of MFL. Show is going very well, and I can't wait to get on the set. I will post as much as my brain will allow in the next few days, but can't promise too much. I am wiped out, man. Hope everyone is enjoying this cooler weather...I for one welcome it. I love the summer, but after that heatwave, I was done with the heat. I just wanted it to be nice weather for the beach, and it on the Fall! I'm on an unexpected 2 hour break from rehearsal right now...thank god...I am so tired, and my body is so sore! I am watching the movie "Lucas" on TV. *sigh* Such a sweet film. Buddha is laying on the couch, dozing...I think I am gonna curl up on the couch on this delightfully gloomy afternoon break and take a disco nap before heading back for 4 more hours of dance rehearsal. Happy Hump Day, folksies... Luv, SGS God...this post is so scatter brained...I just re-read Not all cylinders seem to be firing today!
Buddha blogged about his version of the Beach Vacation... he also wonders why nobody comments on his blog anymore... I told him not to worry...nobody ever comments on this one, either! Yet hundreds seem to read it every single day. Check my little Boo's recent posts out. And, no...I do not write his blog.
Tonight, Matty and I drove up Columbia Pike and saw the light tribute. I have to say, it was gorgeous. The light patterns shifted and changed position and color every few minutes. Every light that you see represented one life lost. It was touching to see these lights move dramatically in many different formations, and then split to make new ones. They looked like ghosts floating in the sky. I will let these images speak for themselves.
Amazing that it has been 5 years. Matty and I were walking Buddha, and walked down to where we lived in Fairlington at the time of the attacks. I recalled to myself the whole day in my mind. Matt and I walked the trail that he ran out to the hill to see the explosion that he heard. I recalled my long trek back to Fairlington after a day stuck in DC. So much has changed in 5 years. So much, however has stayed the same. Interesting how these benchmark events make one reflect on the passing of time. God bless all those who lost their lives on that horrible September day.
Yes, I'm still alive. Deep into rehearsals of My Fair Lady, which I am happy to say that I am assistant choreographer of! So, my days have been very long, indeed. The show is coming along well, although it is such a gigantic venture...Act one is a beast! So much going on in one act! I will try to post a little more often, now that I am starting to get my feet back under me... PS...did any of you get this month's Washingtonian, with an article about Fall theatre, that features a nice picture of my baby girl, Eleasha Gamble? It also features interviews/pictures of Brad Oscar and Sherri Edelen, two other of my past out of the 5 actors pictured or interviewed were interviewed on this very blog! Check it out!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Here are the girls in rehearsal for "Paying the Price" from Saving Aimee. The night went as most Page to Stages do...nerves...doing the best you can, and confidence in the music. The post below will lead you to the show. Check it out.
Tonight is the night of Signature's new works preview at the Kennedy Center's Millenium Stage! The performance is at 6PM and lasts one hour. Here is the link...from here you will see what to click at 6 PM this evening... Hope you get to watch! Plus, you can always go back to this link, even after 6PM, and see the performance...they archive them. This day reminds me of the past 2 Labor Days, which were also spent at the Kennedy Center, singing Matt's music! I remember all of the nerves, all of the laughs...And here we are, 3rd year in a row, but this year with a new show to sing, instead of exciting this new music is! I love the energy that it has. It sounds completely different from Nevermore. The Underground Railroad Project is up first at the concert, and here is the order of the songs that we do...
Follow the Drinking Gourd-sung by Eleasha Gamble Sympathy-Sung by Jenny Soto Passing-Sung by Stephen Gregory Smith and the women After the Rain-Sung by Priscilla Cuellar Hallelujah, Praise!-Sung by the women.
After we are done, the boys of Ass Backwards will do a few songs, then we will do some songs from The Next Big Thing, then finish out with several songs from Saving Aimee. Wish us luck!
I will say goodbye to the beach memoirs with this post. This video is of Matt and Eleasha on the last day we were there, saying goodbye to the beach...
For some reason that I don't really know, Matt decided to film some workout videos for "people who want to stay in shape while at the beach". I filmed these 2. There is one more, but Eleasha has it on her camera...perhaps we will see the third someday in the future...
On Saturday morning of our trip, we witnessed a beach wedding...right in front of our beach site. No area was roped off or anything...all of the sudden, this promenade, sans music started, marching right past people's towels and umbrellas.
Matt made a new beach friend, a 50 something yente who Eleasha dubbed "Magda". They watched the vows take place. Matt later informed me that "Magda" said that she thought that the bride looked 3 months pregnant. She also said...'Look...the sister is in love with the bride's husband, you can tell...", and stated much other trash talk. She was probably from Baltimore.
I hope that on my wedding day, planes sweep overhead with banners proclaiming ad slogans for the Mega Millions lotto...always has been a secret wish of mine.
As the ceremony winded down, I snagged this gorgeous photo of the bride, passing by an appropriate landmark. "Leave Only Your Footsteps Behind". Indeed.
So, after the ill fated, yet enjoyable trip to Phillip's Buffet on 141st, we decided to do the Boardwalk. We did a few rides, but the high point, quite literally, was the Ferris Wheel....this was Matty's favorite thing on the Boardwalk. Up so high, you could see the sea, and the lights of Ocean City...up at that height, you could feel untouchable.
I am winding this Beach retrospective down. A week ago tonight, I was wandering the Boarwalk. Now, these images are just a memory. I'll wrap this all up by Sunday. Enjoy a few more silly pictures from my only vacation this year.