Tuesday, September 06, 2005

"OI! OI! It's not work-working..."

This is just for Jenny Soto...
Yesterday, at the Nevermore showcase, She and I joked all day about the scene from Bridget Jones's Diary, where she introduces the "Greatest Book OF Our Time", and the microphone is not on..
We are both HUGE fans of the movie, and were chuckling at sound check, re-inacting the scene.
After Marsha Gardner spoke (on the mic that I was to use), she put it back into the mic stand, and it must have shut off.
I was the first to sing.
I could not hear myself, nor could I hear that the mic wasn't on. Some old bag in the front row yelled, "Turn your mic on!"...and I did.
I immediately looked back to Jenny. She looked away, holding back giggles.
We introduced that energy into the atmosphere, and look what happened...so funny.
After that, each time we were done with a song, I would lean to Jenny and say "OI!"
I have been laughing about this since 6PM last night...Jenny Soto, you make me scream...

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