Saturday, April 22, 2006


ugh. Sorry no posts in awhile. I am officially sick. I hardly ever get sick, so this comes as a bit of a shock to me. I woke up this morning with a 103.6 fever. Then I got it down to 101.3, then when I awoke again, it was 103.7. I am currently at 101.5...
Still not great.
ugh. I gotta get off of the computer, it is making my eyes hurt.
More when I feel better.


Donna Migliaccio said...

Sorry you are sick, Pookie. Take some aspirin and have Mattie bring you some chicken noodle soup. xxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry Babe!! Get well soon!Maybe you should dress up Boo as a nurse, and he can take care of you. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't be a puss puss.
Feel better bro- take lots of vitamins. "Wellness formula" works for me.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. It is a proven fact that big sloppy dog kisses from pugs really advance the healing process.



Donna...Actually, Mattie did buy me some! As of this morning(Sunday), this is the first time my temperature has been normal in 2 days. Hope this means my fever has finally broken. Now my main concern is my voice, which is pretty damn haggard from coughing constantly. I am saying BIGTIME prayers that my voice comes back even somewhat by tomorrow!
Eleasha...Boo actually was trying to push me out of bed last night. Lil' turd.
Seanie...kiss my arse! I actually got some medicine prescribed to me. I was supposed to go home to PA, but just couldn't possibly consider it. haven't been able to talk alot either.
Ronnie...alas, Buddha is not really a kisser. He is too above giving kisses. Never been his thing, really. *sigh*