Thursday, August 31, 2006

Beach Trip, Part Seven...Matty

Thanks and appreciation for my partner of 7 1/2 years. He puts up with a lot from me. I have never been the easiest man to be with. I am very particular about too many things. I have a touch of OCD...ok, I really have OCD, but not like "As Good As It Gets".
You see, I have serious trouble in situations where I feel like I don't have control. We took a bus trip to 141st. St from 13th, and I thought I would explode from anger and panic on the way. I felt my dog getting farther and farther away from me, and got mad that we were going so far for a buffet that was probably similarly found closer.

Everytime that we travel, I am the biggest stress factor.
Going to NYC, I drove, and was a mess driving the purple wagon through the crowded Matt frequently jokes, "We broke up 3 times on the trip".
In Vegas, I was terrified of the flight, and terrified anytime we ventured outside of the Venetian.
Eleasha also helped me calm down while others were at the buffet of the Phillip's on 141 St.
Why do I freak out at unfamiliar situations? I never used to be like this...what happens that brings this on?
I keep trying to expand my horizons...
Last night at Outback, I tried a "Blooming Onion". Today, while collaborating with Karma Camp on My Fair Lady, I ate about 4 pieces of apple...
Each time I go to a new restaurant, I feel a triumph.
Each time I go to a new place I feel like I have grown.
I try to try new ways...but it is very hard for me...
To quote "As Good As It Gets"...
"You make me want to be a better man..."

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