Friday, September 16, 2005

Lucky Spinster and StephenGregory unite...

OK..I have met my match....
I have many best "girl friends"...The list reels from Eleasha Gamble(my betrothed straight wife), to Tracy Olivera, Donna Migliaccio, ect.
But it all began with Callie.
Callie was in my first show in DC with was "The Birth of Christ and Farts" with Cherry Red. She was a shepherd, I a sheep. Poetry.
We re-united on
From our shared love of curb salvaging, to our joint love of FROGS! the movie, to our shared conversation that did not tire, I find that I have a neighbor that I truly adore. (She lives in my 'hood).
I ignored friends of years to talk with her...and I didn't feel bad about it...I re-discovered a missing link that I should have never lost. She also is a playwright, and has an amazing blog...check her out at... me...I look forward to our next meeting of crazy minds...I know that I'm not rich, black, or gay...wait a minute...I retract the last one...but have you ever seen the video for uptown girl? I'm your fag, baby...:)
Talk soon.

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