Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Favorite Movies: Martha INC: The Story of Martha Stewart

OK...Many gay men have a devotion to the queen of domesticity. This is no shock. I have worshipped Martha for many a year. I am the first to defend her when it comes to her jail time as well. As I always say...
We live in a country where a pop star can molest children, and get off scot free, but if you involve money in the equation, you're going to jail. Especially if you are a woman. Hence Martha's Jail time.
Do I think that she is a shrewd bitch? Absolutely. That's why she has gotten so far.
I actually am in a little bit of a Martha kick right now, because she is constantly amusing me with her recent behavior. The ankle bracelet came off, and she emerged like a deadly butterfly coming to destroy Tokyo.
The Post did a GREAT piece, reviewing her "Talk Show" today. It made me scream. Have you seen the talk show? Oh, please tune in. It is a train wreck. She is constantly controlling, and seems on the verge of strangling her interviewees. Her dogs run loose and uncontrolled around the set as she tries to keep her patience with David Spade (guest today), yet you know she could crush him at any moment. It flares up now and then, too. It is an emotional rollercoaster of a morning talk show. I don't think that this show will be on the air for long...I'm taping it from now on. It is too good to miss. Who knows? You may tune in to see her braining Jay Leno with a frying pan if he doesn't appreciate her appetizers...
This film is pretty poor, yet is fantastic in its camp value. Observe when Cybil (as Martha) throws pots down her driveway at her former catering partner, yelling "Every cook needs a good set of pots!"
"Hey, slut! I'm writing your mother a letter telling her you're a whore! "
Also, watch for the just completed film about Martha's Jail time with Cybil reprising her role. And catch Martha's talk show before it is cancelled due to murder charges, from poison in the Quiche!

"Did I NOT ask for merlot?"


Nettie said...

Are they really making a sequel?


Oh yes... can you believe it? I cannot wait! Check out IMDB.com. Look up Cybil, then the top flick listed is the new Martha flick. It says "Completed" . It won't be long before it is out...
I'll research more.
Thanks for stopping by my site!

Unknown said...

My TiVo is all set to catch her morning show. I haven't seen it yet, but can't wait to sit back and bask in the Martha-ness. Oh, and yes, Martha Inc. is a riot. What a dream role for Cybil. I mean, who wouldn't love to tromp around a kitchen set and bellow that famous Merlot line?


Did you see this morning? Susan Lucci was on and told a story about her and her daughter trying to make a Martha Stewart dessert out of her magazine, and in the end they made a mess of it...then Martha said, "Well...not everyone can be good at everything.."
Susan looked dumbstruck, then Martha, without even thanking Susan for being on the show, said that they would be right back with another guest. SO priceless!

Unknown said...

Ha, yes! I saw that. Goodness, that show is barely under control. Susan Lucci was such a trouper. Martha seems to get frazzled, dealing with guests and a studio audience. Definitely not the calm, cool, and scripted Martha of her previous series. (I just read that Post article. So true.)


Totally! She starts a project, wants to concentrate on it, yet has to juggle a joking and uncomfortable star, her dogs running around, and a live studio audience...she gets so flustered and tries to hide it...so poorly!
This is MUST SEE TV at its best!